This is a student final year project by a group of students from Diploma in Civil Enginering (DCE).
Grundfos Asia-Pacific headquarter in Singapore has the building awarded with Building and Construction Authority’s [BCA] Gold Green Mark. However, the company strives for better sustainability and decarbonization effort. In this project, a group of students from Diploma in Civil Engineering (DCE) of Singapore Polytechnic (SP) studied to improve the sustainability for the company. Students, under the guidance of the mentors from the company and project supervisors from the school, explored to install solar system at the roof top of the building, as well as the rainwater harvesting system. Students modelled both systems together with the buildings with a building information modelling software of Revit. Students also proposed the idea of using collected rainwater to cool the solar panels, as the concurrent study by another group of students from School of Chemical & Life Sciences (CLS) has demonstrated that spraying wate to the panel can increased the efficiency of the panels.