Students of the
Diploma in Applied Chemistry Student Chapter organized a heartwarming volunteer event at St Luke's Hospital on 20 and 27 March 2024. Through activities like ketupat weaving, students brought joy and brightened the days of the elderly patients. This initiative aimed to foster a sense of care and empathy among students towards the elderly and the community.
A few quotes from student participants
“I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to interact with the elderly. I really enjoyed talking to them as they made me laugh a lot!”
Loo Hui Qin Desiree
Year 2 student
“This event has broadened my views on volunteering at a community hospital. While it might seem like a heavy task, it is fulfilling to have fun with the elderly through games and to listen to their stories. I learnt that just our presence can brighten up the mundane ward atmosphere. Teaching the elderly how to make origami ketupat was a gratifying experience and I hope to be a part of such events again. “
Anis Zakiyah Binte Zanial
Year 2 student
“Overall, My experience at St Luke’s hospital is something truly special because it reminds me that life will not always be smooth sailing, so, it is important that we stay strong and make the best of our situation, no matter how bad it is perceived to be, the folk I was blessed to meet that day was the perfect example of that.”
Ryan Hamizan Bin Abdullah
Year 2 student