

February 15, 2024

SP-SUTD Accelerated Pathway Programme

Since 2020, the Diploma in Architecture (DARCH) at Singapore Polytechnic (SP) has partnered Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) to offer eligible DARCH students a pathway that allows them to experience SUTD Freshmore courses while studying at SP. Not only do these degree level courses count as simultaneous fulfilment of the diploma’s elective requirement, the acquired credits are also recognised by the University when pathway programme students further their studies at SUTD.


Students of this SP-SUTD Pathway Programme complete their Diploma in Architecture curriculum in 5 rather than the usual 6 semesters. This accelerated curriculum allows pathway programme students to join SUTD Term 1 courses in the last semester of their diploma study. Successful pathway programme students who choose to continue their studies with SUTD after Term 1 can progress immediately to SUTD Term 2 without having to wait another year, thereby shortening the time needed to acquire a degree at SUTD.

• Experience university life as a polytechnic student without additional fees
• Fulfil diploma course requirements whilst completing SUTD courses
• Gain conditional admission offer ahead of regular admission cycle upon meeting SUTD & SP course requirements
• Shorter duration from diploma to degree

How to apply
•Application is by invitation between January to February.
•Eligible students are selected based on strong academic merits in Physics, Mathematics, and Year 1 Polytechnic results.